“Who we are together is different from and more than who we are alone…Not just a summing-up, but a different entity with different resources that become visible and available. From this coming together we grow into the shared identity of a community that learns.”
—Woolf, 2015
Welcome to Wyoming’s early childhood community! We want to provide the opportunity for early childhood professionals across the state to learn together, connect with each other, and support one another by sharing our wisdom, curiosities, and expertise. Learning communities are just that! Sometimes referred to as a community of practice, a learning community is a chance for groups of people who share a common identity, passion, or concern to meet regularly to have focused dialogue, reflect on their practice, share ideas, and encourage one another. Join a community now >
Learning communities will meet over Zoom regularly, every 6-8 weeks.
Click on a learning community to learn more.
Leadership Community
NEXT MEETING: MARCH 14 | 6:30-7:30
This group is for administrators, directors, those who oversee and mentor staff, and many others. We will discuss common program challenges (onboarding, business practices, etc.), and explore topics that are important and relevant to you. -
Family Childcare Community
NEXT MEETING: APRIL 3 | 6:30-7:30
If you own or work for an in-home child care you know there are unique challenges in this setting. We will explore topics relevant to you such as: owning your own business, working with mixed ages, managing schedules, and more. -
Infant Toddler Caregiver Community
If you work with children ages 0-3 this community is for you! Caring for infants and toddlers requires a different set of knowledge and skills. We will learn more about this age group and how to better meet their needs, and ours.