Wyoming’s Early Learning Standards
The Wyoming Early Learning Standards provide a framework to assist anyone who touches the life of a young child as they make important decisions to support their learning and development. The Early Learning Standards are the result of an eight-month project centering on the experiences of Wyoming’s youngest children and the caregivers and teachers who work with them every day. Grounded in the science of early learning and inspired by nationally recognized standards and developmental milestones the Wyoming Early Learning Standards are an evidence-based tool with application that makes sense for Wyoming.
The Wyoming Early Learning Standards frame children’s development from birth through the kindergarten year across four developmental domains, Relationships and Interactions, Communication, Cognition, and Physical Health and Development. Each domain includes subdomains, standards, and benchmarks to help adults identify and celebrate children’s learning and support their individual learning needs. In addition, the Early Learning Standards offer great resources for educators found in Stories from Wyoming, Teacher Tips, Ideas to support inclusion, and connections to Wyoming’s Coherent Path to Quality.
Featured Articles & Resources
Wyoming Quality Counts free resources for providers and educators
Project ECHO Session: Getting to Know Wyoming’s New Early Learning Standards
Connections to Wyoming Resources
Wyoming’s Early Learning Standards
Voices From the Village Podcast
Coming Soon!
WYECPLC Blog Posts
A New Day for Early Learning in Wyoming
Julie Eastes
ECHO Sessions
Getting to Know Wyoming’s New Early Learning Standards
Presenter Nikki Baldwin and Nicole Philbin
Assessing and Planning Using the Wyoming Early Learning Standards
Presenter Jaclyn Klinginsmith and Tyler Gonzalez
Wyoming’s Early Learning Standards Equity Connections
Presenter Lauren Carlisle and Char Norris
Explore More
Wyoming Early Learning Standards
Birth through kindergarten: A practice-based tool for early childhood educators