PLC Children’s Bookshelf
“Children who have lots of experiences with books absorb the rhythms and patterns of language and, at surprisingly early ages, begin to imitate the language and gestures their parents and caregivers use while sharing stories… When you share books [young children] you support emerging literacy.”
NAEYC, 2008
Click on a booklist theme to find some of the best books to share with children and some creative ideas for how to incorporate them in your setting.
Summer & Construction
In addition to picnics, parades, rodeos, camping, popsicles, swimming, and travel, Summer in Wyoming is also Construction Season! This can be frustrating for drivers, but children often find the enormous, powerful equipment, bright signs, and busy workers fascinating!
Bears aren’t just our neighbors in the mountains of Wyoming; they are the subject of endless, delightful, and engaging books for children! The following list is just a snippet of the books with bears in the starring role. There are fictional tales of bears settling in for their winter nap, waking up for mid-winter adventures, white-water rafting on a log, visiting the library, and taking a walk while their porridge or soup cools!
Celebrating Week of the Young Child
Looking for a way to celebrate Week of the Young Child? Check out this booklist for suggested books that coordinate with NAEYC’s Daily Celebration Themes. Topics include music, food, family, and more!
Fall Favorites
Books about fall are more plentiful than the leaves piling up outside my window! It is a mysterious, magical, and dramatic time of the year, especially in Wyoming. As the sun begins to set earlier and we wake up with frost on the pumpkins, it is a perfect time to read the rich, engaging picture books celebrating this season of change. There are stories about a pumpkin named Jack, a little old lady who is not afraid of ANYTHING, a journey from seed to pumpkin, a bear, and a fox who are both very concerned about why the leaves change and fall!
Books That Spark Curiosity/ STEAM
In early childhood education, STEAM refers to learning through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. A book can be the perfect way to spark children’s natural curiosity and create learning opportunities. The following books will inspire your STEAM projects in your classroom, program, or home. The Featured Favorites include suggested questions to consider as children respond to the book. Keep in mind often, the best questions come from the children's curiosity as they listen.
Concept Books
Books can be a tool to support children's learning journey as they learn shapes, numbers, days of the week, and the alphabet. When books connect a story to concepts, children are more engaged. The following list includes a variety of timeless favorites and newer titles. Each book includes suggested questions as you talk and read with children. Be open to using concept books differently and respond to individual children's interests and questions.
Families Booklist
Reading books about families is a beautiful way to celebrate and share the diversity of family experiences and relationships. Children need to see their family structure, race, and culture represented in the children's books at home and in the classroom. When building a library, whether in a basket or on a shelf, choose books that reflect the families of children in that space.
Books About Feelings
Emotions can seem overwhelming and confusing to young children. A caring adult can provide support and a sense of safety as children experience and better understand their feelings. Children’s books are another tool to ensure children are heard and better understand their emotions. The following list of books is full of creative ideas to encourage children and give them tools for experiencing emotions in positive, healthy ways.
Infant Toddler Booklist
Cuddling, reading, singing, talking, and moving are all part of sharing books with infants and toddlers! The most important tip is to enjoy the closeness and the joy of experiencing books together. Watch how they respond and choose another book or activity when little ones lose interest. The PLC book list is a place to start, but the best books are the ones they love to hear over and over!
Time for Sleep
Routines to support children as they transition to naps or bedtime are unique for each child, caregiver, and family. Reading aloud with young children can be a treasured activity to prepare for sleep. Any favorite book is a good choice as children settle into sleep. The topics in the following books include special routines, cuddling, music, laughter, listening, snoring, and avoiding going to bed!
Winter Booklist
Winter is a fascinating season and the topic for many outstanding children’s books. As you reflect on children’s interests, choose books that support their preferences and questions. The following list includes a variety of titles to engage young children in the wonders of the winter season.
About the curator
Julie Eastes is an early childhood consultant with a passion for early literacy and children’s literature. She has partnered with us to provide curated lists of books that will support early childhood providers and educators in selecting high-quality books. Her recommendations are themed and come with fun ideas, questions, and additional resources to support your integration of literature in your setting. Learn more >