Learning Calendar

Click to learn more or scroll down to see upcoming events

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  • Monthly Webinars

    Every month we will be offering two online webinars—one focused on infants and toddlers and one that is general early childhood focused. We will change the night of the week each month it is held in hopes of being able to accommodate more of your schedules.

  • In-Person Classes

    We teach in-person classes in different towns and cities every month! Check the calendar to find a location near you.

  • Learning Communities

    If you are looking for ongoing support, new ideas, and ways to improve your practice, we invite you to join a learning community! Connect with providers to support one another in on-going, regular meetings. Learn more by visiting our learning community page.

  • Learning Events

    Another type of in-person class but multiple classes in a day, like a mini-conference. A learning event is a whole day of classes with up to 8 hours of STARS credit offered.


Evanston Class

What do I do with these loose parts?
Taking loose parts from inspiration to implementation

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111356&agent=1

Location: Dare 2B Safe Office, Suite #2

Description: Loose parts are both simple and complex. Loose parts themselves are simple, open-ended materials. However, the process of implementing them into the environment is complex. Together we will discuss the benefits of loose parts and discuss and reflect on the selecting, staging, introducing, and maintaining loose parts, as well as supporting, encouraging, and sustaining children’s interest in them.

Facilitated by: Char Norris

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Gillette Class

Creating Learning Invitations that Spark Creative Thinking!

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110850

Location: Campbell County Library

Description: How does one implement creative arts or "symbolic representation" into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the "symbolic representation" concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a play invitation in which they could implement into their space.

Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

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December Webinar (Infant and Toddler)

December Webinar (Infant and Toddler)

Promoting Early Literacy Skills with Infants and Toddlers

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111206

Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456

Description: “Infants’ and toddlers’ early literacy interest and skills grow tremendously during the first three years...” (Day to Day the Relationship Way, Wittmer & Honig). Join us as we learn the importance of promoting early literacy skills with infants and toddlers. Together, we will discuss teaching practices that support them with their early literacy skills in our day-to-day activities.

Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt

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Cheyenne Class

Strengthening Family Partnerships Through Literacy

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111338

Location: Laramie County Library, Cottonwood Room

Description: Participants will reflect and develop skills to implement new literacy practices in the classroom encouraging collaborative experiences with families. Leaving this session with new ideas, teaching strategies, and encouragement to foster reciprocal relationships with families.

Facilitated by: Taylor Dory

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December Preschool Webinar

December Preschool Webinar

Responsive Care and Classroom Management

Daily classroom life has many highs and lows. The way we respond to children on all points within that spectrum matter! During this session, educators will talk through real life classroom scenarios, both exciting and tricky, in order to gain strategies for responding appropriately to the children in their care.

Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111222

Location: Zoom

Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez

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Lander Class

Creating a Positive Environment for All Children: How Being Present and Mindful Can Help Navigate Challenging Times with Children

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111187

Description: Are you seeking ways to enhance children's social and emotional interactions? This course will cover different strategies that can help you, your staff, and children navigate the challenges that come with early childhood. Together, we will learn how our own mindfulness and being present with children impacts children’s behavior and interactions with each other and how we can apply this knowledge to our day-to-day moments with children. During this session, providers will discuss and collaborate on navigating challenging times with children so that we can foster a positive environment for all children.

Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt and Paula Vincelette

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Newcastle Class

  • Weston County School District Admin Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Creating Learning Invitations that Spark Creative Thinking!

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110849

Location: Weston County School District Admin Building, Curriculum Room

Description: How does one implement creative arts or "symbolic representation" into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the "symbolic representation" concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a play invitation in which they could implement into their space.

Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

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Cheyenne Class

Incorporating Math and Science in Our Daily Learning Experiences with Children

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111251

Location: Laramie County Public Library, Cottonwood Room

Description: Incorporating Math and Science in Our Daily Learning Experiences with Children

Session Description: Children are natural learners! They are always asking questions, experimenting, observing, and trying out their ideas. In this class we'll discuss how to recognize those moments, follow their lead, and know how to extend their learning to support their math- and science-related skills. 

Facilitated by: Lauren Carlisle

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November Preschool Webinar

November Preschool Webinar

The Essential Role of Care Practices in Early Childhood Care and Education Settings

Learners will explore and understand that prioritizing care in early childhood settings will strengthen relationships between educators, children, and their families and offer supportive learning environments.

Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110914

Location: Zoom

Facilitated by: Taylor Dory

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Riverton Class

Fostering Math Skills in Young Children

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111096

Location: Riverton Public Library

Description: Teaching young children mathematics is an exciting journey. Come join us as we discuss strategies of teaching math to children. Together we will hear stories of developmentally appropriate practice, collaborate with colleagues on Wyoming’s Early Learning Standards, and share teaching practices.

Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt

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Jackson Class

  • Jackson Campus of Teton Science Schools (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Teton Science School Class
Getting Children Outside 101: Early Childhood Educators Fall Workshop

Course link: https://tetonscience.asapconnected.com/#CourseID=305172

Location: Jackson Campus of Teton Science Schools

Description: Join us for a morning of exploring the why and how of getting young learners outside and connected to their natural environment. Find inspiration and connection with other early childhood educators about going outside with young children, explore local community resources for helping to get children outside and discuss with others successes and challenges with getting young learners outside.

We will discuss and share:

  • the reasons why it is so important for young learners to play and engage with the natural world

  • helpful systems, tools and materials that can support teachers to do this successfully

You will also have the opportunity to learn more about how you can bring the outdoors inside and how we can connect what children are curious about in nature to the curriculum we are doing in the classroom.

Snacks, coffee, and tea will be provided. Three STARS hours are available for participants.

Facilitated by: Teton Science School Staff

Additional Information:

Plan to arrive at the Jackson Campus of Teton Science Schools (700 Coyote Canyon Road, Jackson, WY 83001) by 9 am on Saturday, November 16th for a prompt start of the workshop.

Please be on the lookout for more information from professionallearning@tetonscience.org by November 11.

Cancellation Policy: nonrefundable if canceled

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Buffalo Class

Implementing Math and Science into Everyday Play!

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110833

Location: Sheridan County YMCA

Description: How does one implement math and science into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the math and science concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for math and science concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a math and science play invitation in which they could implement into their space.

Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

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Star Valley Class

What do I do with these loose parts?
Taking loose parts from inspiration to implementation

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111129&agent=1

Location: Thayne Community Center

Description: Loose parts are both simple and complex. Loose parts themselves are simple, open-ended materials. However, the process of implementing them into the environment is complex. Together we will discuss the benefits of loose parts and discuss and reflect on the selecting, staging, introducing, and maintaining loose parts, as well as supporting, encouraging, and sustaining children’s interest in them.

Facilitated by: Char Norris

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Leadership Community Meeting

Leadership Community Meeting

Learning Community Meeting for Early Childhood Leaders and Administrators

Register here: https://forms.monday.com/forms/36f9617f4851195dce2c48651a949271?r=use1

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85364765902?pwd=U09KSEc5a1kvLzFNUExlcEpQdjlkdz09

Description: This group is for administrators, directors, those who oversee and mentor staff, and many others. We will discuss common program challenges (onboarding, business practices, etc.), and explore topics that are important and relevant to you.

Group Facilitators: Char Norris and Tyler Gonzalez

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Family Child Care Community Meeting

Family Child Care Community Meeting

Learning Community Meeting for Family Child Care Providers in Wyoming

Register here: https://forms.monday.com/forms/36f9617f4851195dce2c48651a949271?r=use1

Zoom link:https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/93719449461

Description: If you own or work for an in-home child care you know there are unique challenges in this setting. In this learning community we explore topics relevant to you such as: owning your own business, working with mixed ages, managing schedules, and more.

Communities meet every other month and stay in touch via email during the off-months.

Click here to learn more.

Group Facilitators: Taylor Dory and Kelce Eckhardt

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November Webinar (Infant and Toddler)

November Webinar (Infant and Toddler)

Care is Education: Embedding "Education" in routines of Care for Infants and Toddlers

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111162&agent=1

Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456

Description: As care givers for infants and toddlers, we spend a lot of our time changing diapers; working with young children to use the toilet independently; feeding and engaging sleep and rest routines. It feels like there is no time for "learning." During our time together we will discuss these care routines in detail and identify ways that we can elevate the quality of care and imbed opportunities for learning into them.

Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

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Sheridan Class

Implementing Math and Science into Everyday Play!

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111135&agent=1

Location: Sheridan County YMCA

Description: How does one implement math and science into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the math and science concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for math and science concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a math and science play invitation in which they could implement into their space.

Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

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Rock Springs Class

What do I do with these loose parts?
Taking loose parts from inspiration to implementation

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111132&agent=1

Location: Young at Heart Community Center

Description: Loose parts are both simple and complex. Loose parts themselves are simple, open-ended materials. However, the process of implementing them into the environment is complex. Together we will discuss the benefits of loose parts and discuss and reflect on the selecting, staging, introducing, and maintaining loose parts, as well as supporting, encouraging, and sustaining children’s interest in them.

Facilitated by: Char Norris

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Powell Class

Strategies for Stretching Children’s Thinking

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110813

Location: TBD

Description: Children continuously show us what they know. It’s our job to use what we notice and offer children experiences to grow and stretch their skills and strengths. During this session we will use thinking tools to help us reflect on what we observe in young children’s play and decide what to offer them next.

Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez

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Pinedale Class

Creating Responsive Learning Environments to Support Children’s Needs and Interests

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111077

Location: Sublette County Public Library

Description: In this session, we will discuss the importance of creating responsive environments to support children. Together, we will collaborate on how to develop an environment that will encourage meaningful learning experiences for children through responding to their needs and interests. Join us, as we learn how we can make our environment support the children in our care.

Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt

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Baggs Class

Creating Supportive Environments for All Children

To register contact Taylor Dory at tdory@uwyo.edu or 307-380-6747

Description: Participants will understand how to provide children a safe, respectful, predictable, and accessible environment for infants and toddlers through appropriate routines and transitions, materials, and room arrangement. Because the children in our care are experiencing the most rapid developmental rate we will also learn how to create and continually modify our environments to be responsive and supportive of their ever-changing development and learning.

Facilitated by: Taylor Dory

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October Webinar (Infant and Toddler)

October Webinar (Infant and Toddler)

Providing a Strong Foundation for Learning: Supporting Infants and Toddlers Language Development in Our Day-to-Day Moments

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110829

Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456

Description: “Educators are the key ingredient in a language-rich environment for infants and toddlers in group care settings,” (Zero to Three Critical Competencies). Join us as we learn the importance of supporting language development for infants and toddlers and how this impacts our teaching practices. During this webinar we will discuss why this is crucial in their development and what this looks like in our day-to-day care of infants and toddlers.

Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt

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Kemmerer Class

What do I do with these loose parts?
Taking loose parts from inspiration to implementation.

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110994&agent=1

Description: Loose parts are both simple and complex. Loose parts themselves are simple, open-ended materials. However, the process of implementing them into the environment is complex. Together we will discuss the benefits of loose parts and discuss and reflect on the selecting, staging, introducing, and maintaining loose parts, as well as supporting, encouraging, and sustaining children’s interest in them.

Facilitated by: Char Norris

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Lovell Class

Strategies for Stretching Children’s Thinking

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110812

Description: Children continuously show us what they know. It’s our job to use what we notice and offer children experiences to grow and stretch their skills and strengths. During this session we will use thinking tools to help us reflect on what we observe in young children’s play and decide what to offer them next.

Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez

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Casper Class

  • University of Wyoming at Casper College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Implementing Math and Science into Everyday Play

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110832

Location: University of Wyoming at Casper College—Student Union Building, Room 322

Description: How does one implement math and science into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the math and science concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for math and science concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a math and science play invitation in which they could implement into their space.

Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

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October Preschool Webinar

October Preschool Webinar

Learning Through Play

Participants will discuss developmentally appropriate practices of learning. We will talk about the "why" of playful learning in preschool and then move into the "how" of providing a rich learning environment as well as the daily playful learning experiences and activities that we can provide.

Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110927&agent=1

Location: Zoom

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Rock Springs Class

  • Western Wyoming Community College, Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What Do I Do with Loose Parts? Taking Loose Parts From Inspiration to Implementation

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110931&agent=1

Description: Loose parts are both simple and complex. Loose parts themselves are simple, open-ended materials. However, the process of implementing them into the environment is complex. Together we will discuss the benefits of loose parts and discuss and reflect on the selecting, staging, introducing, and maintaining loose parts, as well as supporting, encouraging, and sustaining children’s interest in them.

Facilitated by: Char Norris

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Moorcroft Class

Implementing Math and Science into Everyday Play

Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110856&agent=1

Description: How does one implement math and science into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the math and science concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for math and science concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a math and science play invitation in which they could implement into their space.

Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

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Rawlins Class

Creating Supportive Environments for All Children

Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110807

Description: Participants will understand how to provide children a safe, respectful, predictable, and accessible environment for infants and toddlers through appropriate routines and transitions, materials, and room arrangement. Because the children in our care are experiencing the most rapid developmental rate we will also learn how to create and continually modify our environments to be responsive and supportive of their ever-changing development and learning.

Facilitated by: Taylor Dory

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