Learning Calendar
Click to learn more or scroll down to see upcoming events
Please print and share with staff or colleagues!
Monthly Webinars
Every month we will be offering two online webinars—one focused on infants and toddlers and one that is general early childhood focused. We will change the night of the week each month it is held in hopes of being able to accommodate more of your schedules.
In-Person Classes
We teach in-person classes in different towns and cities every month! Check the calendar to find a location near you.
Learning Communities
If you are looking for ongoing support, new ideas, and ways to improve your practice, we invite you to join a learning community! Connect with providers to support one another in on-going, regular meetings. Learn more by visiting our learning community page.
Learning Events
Another type of in-person class but multiple classes in a day, like a mini-conference. A learning event is a whole day of classes with up to 8 hours of STARS credit offered.

April Preschool Webinar
Slow it Down: Benefits of Reducing the Pace of your Day
Working with children in a group setting is inherently fast paced. Let’s think together about strategies to slow down the tempo of our day with children, why it’s important to slow down, and the many benefits that come from a slower pace.
Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111767
Location: Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez
Green River Class
Personal and Professional Wellness
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111764&agent=1
Description: Being an early childhood educator is rewarding but also can be challenging work. These challenges, if not addressed, can lead to workplace stress and burnout. Participants will be working together to discover and discuss some research, reflection tools, and other strategies and resources to address stress and combat burnout.
*2 STARS Hours
Facilitated by: Char Norris
Powell Class
Exploring Art & It's Importance
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111505
Location: Northwest College Yellowstone Building, Rm 217
Description: The way that we allow children to create and explore art matters! Join us as we consider what types of creative opportunities we are offering to children and the ways that art helps children learn new skills and explore concepts about their world.
Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez

April Webinar (Infant and Toddler)
Supporting Infant & Toddler Learning: Essential Life Skills & Executive Function
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111846&agent=1
Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Time: 6:00-7:30pm, 1.5 STARS hours
Description: We know there is information that children need to learn – facts, figures, concepts, insights, and understandings – however we do not want to neglect something that is equally essential: children’s need for life skills. In this session we will discuss seven essential life skills, how these skills support and build children’s executive functions, and how we can embed them in our day-to-day interactions with infants and toddlers.
Facilitated by: Char Norris
Gillette Class
Exploring the Art of Transitions with Young Children
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111757&agent=1
Location: Campbell County Library
Description: Whether you are a home provider or in a classroom, sometimes transitions can feel over-whelming and challenging. During this webinar we will analyze and consider how daily schedules can impact transitions, discuss elements of a "successful" transition, and gather new ideas to take back to our spaces to try.
Facilitated by: Kara Cossel
Rawlins Class
The Essential Role of Care Practices in Early Childhood Care and Education Settings
Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111853
Description: Learners will explore and understand that prioritizing care in early childhood settings will strengthen relationships between educators, children, and their families and offer supportive learning environments.
Facilitated by: Taylor Dory

Leadership Community Meeting
Learning Community Meeting for Early Childhood Leaders and Administrators
Register here: https://forms.monday.com/forms/36f9617f4851195dce2c48651a949271?r=use1
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85364765902?pwd=U09KSEc5a1kvLzFNUExlcEpQdjlkdz09
Description: This group is for administrators, directors, those who oversee and mentor staff, and many others. We will discuss common program challenges (onboarding, business practices, etc.), and explore topics that are important and relevant to you.
Group Facilitators: Char Norris and Tyler Gonzalez
Casper Class
Exploring the Art of Transitions with Young Children
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111787&agent=1
Location: University of Wyoming at Casper College—Student Union Building, Room 322
Description: Whether you are a home provider or in a classroom, sometimes transitions can feel over-whelming and challenging. During this webinar we will analyze and consider how daily schedules can impact transitions, discuss elements of a "successful" transition, and gather new ideas to take back to our spaces to try.
Facilitated by: Kara Cossel
Rock Springs Class
Personal & Professional Wellness
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111739&agent=1
Location: Young at Heart Community Center
Description: Being an early childhood educator is rewarding but also can be challenging work. These challenges, if not addressed, can lead to workplace stress and burnout. Participants will be working together to discover and discuss some research, reflection tools, and other strategies and resources to address stress and combat burnout.
* 2 STARS Hours
Facilitated by: Char Norris

May Webinar (Infant and Toddler)
TBD (Loose Parts)
Registration link: Coming Soon!
Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Description: Pending
Facilitated by: Char Norris and Kara Cossel

May Preschool Webinar
TBD (Schema)
Description Pending
Registration Link:
Location: Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez and Taylor Dory
Torrington Class
Supporting Learning Through Multi-Sensory Experiences
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111788
Location: Platte Valley Bank (Hospitality Room)
Description: In this session we will discuss what multi-sensory learning is and its role in enhancing early learning and development in a preschool setting. Participants will explore a variety of sensory play activities including playdough kits, sensory bins, and sandpaper letters. As they engage with the materials they will discuss how the Wyoming Early Learning Standards could guide the experience and will leave with ideas and knowledge of how to they connect to the learning goals of young children.
Facilitated by: Susan Hansen
Wheatland Class
Supporting Learning Through
Multi-Sensory Experiences
Location: Wheatland
Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111789
Description: In this session we will discuss what multisensory learning is and its role in enhancing early learning and development in a preschool setting. Participants will explore a variety of sensory play activities including playdough kits, sensory bins, and sandpaper letters. As they engage with the materials they will discuss how the Wyoming Early Learning Standards could guide the experience and will leave with ideas and knowledge of how to they connect to the learning goals of young children.
Presenter: Susan Hansen
Lander Class
Creating a Positive Environment for All Children: How Being Present and Mindful
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111737
Description: Are you seeking ways to enhance children's social and emotional interactions? This course will cover different strategies that can help you, your staff, and children navigate the challenges that come with early childhood. Together, we will learn how our own mindfulness and being present with children impacts children’s behavior and interactions with each other and how we can apply this knowledge to our day-to-day moments with children. During this session, providers will discuss and collaborate on navigating challenging times with children so that we can foster a positive environment for all children.
Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt
Star Valley Class
Personal & Professional Wellness
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111725&agent=1
Location: Thayne Community Center
Description: Being an early childhood educator is rewarding but also can be challenging work. These challenges, if not addressed, can lead to workplace stress and burnout. Participants will be working together to discover and discuss some research, reflection tools, and other strategies and resources to address stress and combat burnout. NAEYC Standard met: Standard 6: Professionalism as an Early Childhood Educator -6d: Engage in continuous, collaborative, learning to inform practice -6e: Develop and sustain the habit of reflective and intentional practice in their daily work with young children and as members of the early childhood profession
Facilitated by: Char Norris

Family Child Care Community Meeting
Learning Community Meeting for Family Child Care Providers in Wyoming
Register here: https://forms.monday.com/forms/36f9617f4851195dce2c48651a949271?r=use1
Zoom link:https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/93719449461
Description: If you own or work for an in-home child care you know there are unique challenges in this setting. In this learning community we explore topics relevant to you such as: owning your own business, working with mixed ages, managing schedules, and more.
Communities meet every other month and stay in touch via email during the off-months.
Click here to learn more.
Group Facilitators: Taylor Dory and Kelce Eckhardt
Thermopolis Class
Exploring Art & It's Importance
Registration link:https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111538
Description: The way that we allow children to create and explore art matters! Join us as we consider what types of creative opportunities we are offering to children and the ways that art helps children learn new skills and explore concepts about their world.
Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez

Cheyenne Learning Event
Join us in Cheyenne for our next Learning Event!
Learning Events are like mini-conferences. We offer a full day of in-person classes for anyone who works in early care and education. There will be a different class every hour and door prizes after each session. Participants can attend any or all of the classes and earn up to 8 hours of STARS credit in one day!
Registration Fee: $25.00 (Nonrefundable)
Please reach out with any questions (wyecplc@uwyo.edu)
Location: Laramie County Fair Complex at Archer (Building K)
8:00 am Actions and Attitudes: How our Professional Dispositions Shape Our Choices and
Impact Others
9:00 am Fun and Fabulous Flannels: Using the Flannel Board for Maximum Engagement
10:00 am Tools for Building an Inclusive Classroom
11:00 am Curiosity and Contraptions: A Pathway to STEM Learning
12:00 pm LUNCH
1:00 pm Using Community Resources to Support Families
2:00 pm Understanding and Guiding Infant and Toddler Behavior
3:00 pm Supporting Early Literacy Through Sensory Play
4:00 pm The Power of Rituals and Traditions
Cheyenne Class
Supporting Learning Through Multi-Sensory Experiences
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111683
Description: In this session we will discuss what multisensory learning is and its role in enhancing early learning and development in a preschool setting. Participants will explore a variety of sensory play activities including playdough kits, sensory bins, and sandpaper letters. As they engage with the materials they will discuss how the Wyoming Early Learning Standards could guide the experience and will leave with ideas and knowledge of how to they connect to the learning goals of young children.
Facilitated by: Susan Hansen, PLC Partner

School-Aged Webinar
Engaging School-Aged Children
Many childcare centers and homes welcome school aged children after school and during breaks. Join us as we discuss appropriate expectations of school aged children and how we can keep them engaged with younger children in the same space!
Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111391
Location: Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez
Kemmerer Class
Personal & Professional Wellness
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111579&agent=1
Description: Being an early childhood educator is rewarding but also can be challenging work. These challenges, if not addressed, can lead to workplace stress and burnout. Participants will be working together to discover and discuss some research, reflection tools, and other strategies and resources to address stress and combat burnout. NAEYC Standard met: Standard 6: Professionalism as an Early Childhood Educator -6d: Engage in continuous, collaborative, learning to inform practice -6e: Develop and sustain the habit of reflective and intentional practice in their daily work with young children and as members of the early childhood profession
Facilitated by: Char Norris
Lovell Class
Exploring Art & It's Importance
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111504
Description: The way that we allow children to create and explore art matters! Join us as we consider what types of creative opportunities we are offering to children and the ways that art helps children learn new skills and explore concepts about their world.
Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez

February Preschool Webinar
Description Pending
Registration Link: Coming Soon!
Location: Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Facilitated by: Lauren Carlisle
Newcastle Class
Exploring the Art of Transitions with Young Children
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111317&agent=1
Location: Weston County School District Admin Building, Curriculum Room
Description: Whether you are a home provider or in a classroom, sometimes transitions can feel over-whelming and challenging. During this webinar we will analyze and consider how daily schedules can impact transitions, discuss elements of a "successful" transition, and gather new ideas to take back to our spaces to try.
Facilitated by: Kara Cossel
Laramie Class
Supporting Early Learners in Mathematics
Location: Laramie County Community College, Laramie Campus
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111479
Description: Participants will deepen their understanding of pedagogical knowledge and mathematical content knowledge to support early learners in mathematics. Participants will reflect on their currently mathematical teaching practices and engage in critical thinking to apply, expand, and integrate new mathematical experiences for the children in their care.
Facilitated by: Taylor Dory

February Webinar (Infant and Toddler)
Taking a Closer Look at Toddler Behavior
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111383
Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Description: Toddlers have incredible curiosity and love to explore! As their caregivers we have the opportunity to see the world through their eyes. Join us as we look into toddler behaviors to better understand how to support toddlers in their development. During this session, we will discuss what is developmentally appropriate behavior for toddlers, take a closer look at their behaviors, and what our role as their caregiver is to support their development.
Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt
Riverton Class
Fostering Math Skills in Young Children
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111374
Location: Riverton Public Library
Description: Teaching young children mathematics is an exciting journey. Come join us as we discuss strategies of teaching math to children. Together we will hear stories of developmentally appropriate practice, collaborate with colleagues on Wyoming’s Early Learning Standards, and share teaching practices.
Facilitated by: Kelce Eckhardt
Cheyenne Class
Creative Approaches to Promoting Early Literacy and Language Development
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111500
Location: Laramie County Public Library
Description: Participants will understand literacy and language development, pedagogical strategies, and the influence of multiple contexts on child development and learning. Participants will leave with creative approaches to promote literacy and language development in their early learning environments.
Facilitated by: Taylor Dory
Greybull Class
Exploring Art & It's Importance
Registration link: Coming Soon!
Description: The way that we allow children to create and explore art matters! Join us as we consider what types of creative opportunities we are offering to children and the ways that art helps children learn new skills and explore concepts about their world.
Facilitated by: Tyler Gonzalez

January Preschool Webinar
The Words We Choose: Supporting Healthy Emotional and Social Development
We have all heard something similar to, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Actually, this is not true. The words that we chose to use have a deep impact on a person’s emotional and social development. During our time together we will analyze how communication (words and body language) impact the brain, reflect on our own current communication practices and finally, have an opportunity to apply what we have learned through the use of case studies.
Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111330&agent=1
Location: Zoom
Facilitated by: Kara Cossel
Mountain View Class
Personal and Professional Wellness
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111411&agent=1
Description: Being an early childhood educator is rewarding but also can be challenging work. These challenges, if not addressed, can lead to workplace stress and burnout. Participants will be working together to discover and discuss some research, reflection tools, and other strategies and resources to address stress and combat burnout. NAEYC Standard met: Standard 6: Professionalism as an Early Childhood Educator -6d: Engage in continuous, collaborative, learning to inform practice -6e: Develop and sustain the habit of reflective and intentional practice in their daily work with young children and as members of the early childhood profession
Facilitated by: Char Norris

Loose Parts Topic Study (Online)
Loose Parts Implementation Topic Study
Location: Virtual (Meetings on Zoom)
Registration Link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111355&agent=1
Description: Have you thought about implementing "loose parts" into your environment and don't know where to begin? Or maybe you have and are feeling over-whelmed/let down by children's responses to materials. Then this topic study is for you! When implemented with intentionality, loose parts offer children a multitude of opportunities for learning. During our journey we will: explore what loose parts are and the benefits they offer to children's development and learning; implement and reflect upon various learning invitations in your own space; and discuss ways that we can identify and scaffold what children are learning.
This ongoing topic study will include 4 virtual meetings (listed below) from January to early March on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm. To earn STARS credit educators are required to: attend all four meetings, complete required assignments in-between each meeting and come prepared to discuss their discoveries. Meeting dates are a follows: 1/21/25, 2/4/25, 2/18/25 and 3/4/25.
Meeting dates:
January 21
February 4
February 18
March 4
Learning Specialists: Kara Cossel and Char Norris
*12 STARS Credits

January Webinar (Infant and Toddler)
Patterns in Play: A Strengths-Based Approach to Teaching
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111456
Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81517431456
Description: Participants will understand and value each child as an individual with unique developmental variations, experiences, strengths, interests, abilities, challenges, approaches to learning, and with the capacity to make choices.
Facilitated by: Taylor Dory
Casper Class
Creating Learning Invitations that Spark Creative Thinking!
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111275&agent=1
Location: University of Wyoming at Casper College—Student Union Building, Room 315
Description: How does one implement math and science into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the math and science concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for math and science concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a math and science play invitation in which they could implement into their space.
Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

Leadership Community Meeting
Learning Community Meeting for Early Childhood Leaders and Administrators
Register here: https://forms.monday.com/forms/36f9617f4851195dce2c48651a949271?r=use1
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85364765902?pwd=U09KSEc5a1kvLzFNUExlcEpQdjlkdz09
Description: This group is for administrators, directors, those who oversee and mentor staff, and many others. We will discuss common program challenges (onboarding, business practices, etc.), and explore topics that are important and relevant to you.
Group Facilitators: Char Norris and Tyler Gonzalez

Statewide Leadership Book Study
Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others
Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfh-FWMFa8SnXBVdeT-JvV4xFebOHtZKb1tZez7h_mbdeVdUg/viewform?usp=sharing
Location: On Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87152018689
Time: Meetings will be held Wednesdays from 1:00-2:30pm every other week
First meeting (kickoff meeting) will be held January 15th.
Description: We are excited to start our annual book study for 2025! Early childhood leaders throughout the state will gather to share wisdom and challenges specific to administration and leadership. This year we will be reading, Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others, by Stephen M. R. Covey. This book study is for those in leadership positions who oversee others including, but not limited to: program directors and assistant directors, curriculum coordinators, coaches, etc.
Book study discussions will be held Wednesdays from 1:00-2:30pm every other week and will begin January 15th with a kickoff meeting. Our final meeting will be Wednesday, April 9.
Participants will need to purchase their own book to participate.
Link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Inspire-Leaders-Unleash-Greatness/dp/198214372X
Facilitated by: WYECPLC Learning Specialists

Family Child Care Community Meeting
Learning Community Meeting for Family Child Care Providers in Wyoming
Register here: https://forms.monday.com/forms/36f9617f4851195dce2c48651a949271?r=use1
Zoom link: https://uwyo.zoom.us/j/93719449461
Description: If you own or work for an in-home child care you know there are unique challenges in this setting. In this learning community we explore topics relevant to you such as: owning your own business, working with mixed ages, managing schedules, and more.
Communities meet every other month and stay in touch via email during the off-months.
Click here to learn more.
Group Facilitators: Taylor Dory and Kelce Eckhardt
Sheridan Class
Creating Learning Invitations that Spark Creative Thinking
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111331&agent=1
Location: Sheridan County YMCA
Description: How does one implement creative arts or "symbolic representation" into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the "symbolic representation" concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a play invitation in which they could implement into their space.
Facilitated by: Kara Cossel

Infant Toddler Credential Course
Register now for our Winter 2025 Infant Toddler Credential Course!
Please read ALL of this introductory information before registering to avoid having to withdraw and prohibiting others to register.
The WYECPLC infant toddler credential course is a hybrid course. Part of the class will be held on Zoom and if we're not meeting on zoom you're completing "class" independently online in our Google Classroom. Everyone will be required to "attend" every class, complete all assignments, and document 4-6 hours of coaching. Class will begin the week of January 13. Based on a survey of early registrants, class will be held Fridays from 1:00-2:30pm. Please make arrangements or let your administrators know that you will need coverage during this time. More class information can be found in this attached info sheet.
The class is completely free and will be capped at 30 participants. Please ONLY REGISTER YOURSELF. Do not complete this form on behalf of another. If you're a director, and have a staff member you'd like to participate, please send it to the participant, make sure they understand what the course entails and then they must register themselves and agree to the course requirements. Every spot will be taken for this course which means if you register and then don't end up taking the course it denies someone else the chance to participate.
Please reach out to me with questions at lauren.carlisle@uwyo.edu.
Evanston Class
What do I do with these loose parts?
Taking loose parts from inspiration to implementation
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100111356&agent=1
Location: Dare 2B Safe Office, Suite #2
Description: Loose parts are both simple and complex. Loose parts themselves are simple, open-ended materials. However, the process of implementing them into the environment is complex. Together we will discuss the benefits of loose parts and discuss and reflect on the selecting, staging, introducing, and maintaining loose parts, as well as supporting, encouraging, and sustaining children’s interest in them.
Facilitated by: Char Norris
Gillette Class
Creating Learning Invitations that Spark Creative Thinking!
Registration link: https://wyregistry.org/index.cfm?module=trainingEventEditor&eventID=100110850
Location: Campbell County Library
Description: How does one implement creative arts or "symbolic representation" into play? Well, let's get together, play and find out! During our time we will examine the Wyoming Early Learning Standards to gain a deeper understanding of the "symbolic representation" concepts that apply to children birth through kindergarten. Then we PLAY! While playing we will analyze each invitation for concepts that are present as well as what could be added to elevate joyful learning. Finally each person will create a play invitation in which they could implement into their space.
Facilitated by: Kara Cossel