S2. Episode 1: Julie Bullard – Creating Environments for Learning Pt. 1

Part 1 of 2, Creating Environments for Learning is continued in Season 2, Episode 2.

Nationally recognized author and presenter, Julie Bullard, shares practical tips for teachers looking to improve their classroom environment to support high quality learning. She also shares wisdom from her years as a professor, consultant, and author.

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About our guest

Julie Bullard

Julie Bullard is an early childhood professor at the University of Montana.  During her over 35 years in the early childhood field, she has been a preschool and elementary teacher, childcare director and Head Start administrator, and has taught adults receiving CDA’s, associate degrees, and bachelor’s degrees in curriculum and instruction. Julie has taught higher education coursework both face-to-face and online for over 20 years and was named the Carnegie Professor of the Year for Montana in 2011.  She also received the 2015 National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher Educator Award. 

Julie has a passion for the importance of the early learning environment since completing coursework in architecture more than 30 years ago.  She also has a special interest in curricular standards and has served on several state and national committees that are working on developing and implementing standards using play-based curriculum. She has been involved in the development of the Montana early childhood knowledge base, infant-toddler guidelines, preschool guidelines, kindergarten standards, and early childhood and elementary higher education standards. Julie received her doctorate from Montana State University.

Creating Environments for Learning, Birth to Age Eight by Julie Bullard

Creating Environments for Learning, Birth to Age Eight by Julie Bullard

Julie’s book provides practical help for designing play-based environments that ensure effective teaching and learning while meeting national and state standards. Creating Environments for Learning presents basic information and environmental and curricular possibilities through numerous examples, photos, and videos that demonstrate early childhood theories, child development, current research, and curriculum standards and outcomes in action.

Available on Amazon

WYECPLC Book Study Guide for Creating Environments for Learning 

If you are interested in reading Julie’s book with a group of educators or providers, use this facilitation guide to deepen your experience with Julie’s book. Developed by Regional Facilitators from the WYECPLC. 


S2. Episode 2: McKenzie Samuelson, Amanda Schmidtberger, Carmelita Colby | Creating Environments for Learning - Pt 2. 


S1. Special Episode: Wyoming’s Coherent Path to Quality - A Game Changer