Daily learning experiences that are meaningful, exploratory, and actionable are essential to the grow and development of young children. Play finds itself in the middle of these high-quality learning experiences. Play organically fosters opportunities for young children to strengthen relationships and interactions, gain cognitive skills, and strengthen their physical health and development. The following resources are intended to support early childhood educators, providers, and leaders in their work with young children and families.
The following resources are designed to support early childhood educators, providers, and leaders working with young children and families. Professional learning opportunities and resources are available on play by contacting the WYECPLC Learning Specialists.
Featured Articles & Resources
The Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) Position Statement:
New Book!
Must Read Books
Loose Parts: Inspiring Play In Young Children
by Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky
Loose Parts Playing with Infants and Toddlers
by Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky
Preschoolers at Play Choosing the Right Stuff for Learning & Development
by Lisa Mufson & Megan King
Serious Fun How Guided Play Extends Children’s Learning
by Marie L. Masterson & Holly Bohart Editors
This is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
by Julia Luckenbill Aarti Subramaniam and Janet Thompson
Connections to Wyoming Resources
Wyoming’s Coherent Path to Quality
The Coherent Path to Quality framework and “simple rules” invite all the adults in a child’s ecosystem to examine their role in the life of young children. The Stories from the Field, Examples from Wyoming, and photos from settings in our communities are filled with playful interactions.
How are play and joyful learning happening in your early childhood setting?
Relationships and Interactions
Simple Rule #2 Responsive
Examples from Wyoming
Teacher with infants and toddlers page 11
Simple Rule #3 Reciprocal
Siblings page 14
The Emotional and Physical Environment
Simple Rule #1 Safe
Stories from the Field
Child Development Center outdoor play page 22
Simple Rule #2 Respectful
Examples from Wyoming
Children freely using materials page 27
Learning Experiences
Simple Rule # 1 Meaningful
Stories from the Field
Fine motor learning experiences page 40
Simple Rule # 2 Exploratory
Stories from the Field
Exploring leaves in the wind, page 43
Wyoming’s Early Learning Standards
One of the organizational elements of the standards is Stories from the Field. These rich examples are of Wyoming children and adults using the standards in their daily interactions in early childhood settings across the state.
The following stories from Wyoming’s Early Learning Standards include connections to play. The Equity Connections, Teacher Tips, and Try It sections invite you to reflect on standards in your setting.
Asking for More page 22
A Fascinating Trip to the Park page 23
Equity Connection: Universal Design for Learning page 23
Playful Reading page 25
Equity Connection: Trauma-Informed Practice page 25
Approaches to Learning
Making A Train page 30
Equity Connection: Trauma-Informed Practice page 30
Planning with Children page 32
Equity Connection: Developmentally Appropriate Practice page 33
Physical Health and Development
Straws and Containers page 40
Equity Connection: Trauma-Informed Practice page 41
Cowboy Conference Archive
Opportunities for Learning in a Multiage Group Setting (September 24, 2021)
Regional Facilitators Ashlee Fincher and Kara Cossel
Stories from the Field: Transforming Outdoor Environments
Regional Facilitators Ashlee Fincher and Liz Goddard
Wyoming Program Directors Wendee Web and Lindsay Burke
Turing Everyday Moments into Teachable Moments with Infants and Toddlers
Regional Facilitators Ashlee Fincher and Kelce Eckhardt
Shelby Jelly Foundations Early Care and Education
WYECPLC Blog Posts
Hollyhopsie (August 4, 2021)
Julie Eastes, Early Childhood Consultant
Watch Me Play and Grow! (June 30, 2021)
Kelce Eckhardt, Regional Facilitator
Springtime Outdoors the Play is Free (May 25, 2021)
Julie Eastes, Early Childhood Consultant
The Natural Habitat for Children is When They Are At Play (April 14, 2021)
Tom “Teacher Tom” Hobson
Trusting Toddlers (July 16, 2020)
Liz Goddard, Regional Facilitator
The Great Outdoors: Supporting Children in Risky Play (July 10, 2020)
Jennifer Zook, Regional Facilitator
A Summer to Remember (June 12, 2020)
Char Norris, Regional Facilitator
Explore More
Zero to Three
Play in Early Childhood Education: The Role of Play in Any Setting
Center on the Developing Child Harvard University
Loose Parts and Intelligent Playthings Categorized by Schema
by Michelle Thornhill
TED Talks
Stuart Brown
The Importance of PLAY in Adulthood and Childhood
Yolonda Tyler
Resources for Families on Play
by Lisa Mufson Bresson
Five Essentials to Meaningful Play
by Marcia L. Nell and Walter F. Drew
“How Do You Spell Butterfly?” Connecting Play to Content Learning
by Jenna Valasek
How to Support Children’s Approaches to Learning? Play with Them!
by Gaye Gronlund
The Power of Play in Kindergarten
by Cindy Long
The Case of Brain Science and Guided Play: A Developing Story
by Brenna Hassinger-Das, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff